Wednesday, 10 August 2011

An Apology

Not sure who I'm apologising to really. No one ever followed my blog, such as it was, so there really wasn't anyone to disappoint. Perhaps I owe an apology to the whole world of 'blog'; littered, as it is, with so many projects started with great intentions that came to nowt after a year or so. They're like diaries, really, which people are equally crap at keeping up to. Unless you're Alistair Campbell, of course (or some similar knob), safe in the knowledge that your inane, daily scribblings are millions in the kitty once your career goes tits up. No fear of that here, I'm afraid; I mean, it's not like I started a war or anything.

So, see this is an apology to the blogosphere for not 'sticking it out' or 'staying the course' or whatever. But, to my credit, here I am giving it another go. Can't promise it'll be a terribly regular affair, but let's see where things lead us.

It looks as though we left you back in November 2008 in Miami Beach. Me, the Senior Vs, Mrs V and Tizer were meant to be chilling for a couple of days before driving up to Orlando for our first family taste of all things Disney. Only trouble was, Tizer had flu - bad flu - and stayed that way for nearly all of the trip. She spent 6 days in a hotel room almost spitting distance from Cinderella's Castle in the Magic Kingdom, but could barely shift herself out of bed. Heart breaking, it was. But, on the seventh day, she recovered and with the best part of a week left of the holiday, we made a pretty good stab of things.

Still, we felt so bad (and had so many gaps in the photo album) that we went back in October '09, just the three of us. This time, no illnesses and a rip-roaring success. We celebrated her fourth birthday there. She had her lunch in the castle with the Princesses. Kind of made up for a lot.

In other travel news, we've pretty much maintained our annual trips to Barbados (in fact, we're off again in about 10 weeks). I turned 40 - most depressing - but it did give us an excuse to visit South Africa. And, trips aside, we moved house (all of three doors away, a real stretch for Pickfords) and moved business premises, but other than that it's pretty much same-old, same-old which, at my time of life, is the way we kind of like things around here, thank you very much.

I'm planning on doing a little report on South Africa with some pics, just for the hell of it. And I'll have to post something on my latest travel find: Feather Down Farms. Tents, but with flushing loos. Marvellous concept!

Here's to the next post. Hopefully.

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